The Lorain-Medina Rural Electric People Fund was established in January 1999. Since then, 698 grants totaling more than $1.8 million have been issued throughout the cooperative's service area.

The LMRE People Fund board, which are appointed by the cooperative's board of directors, are named from throughout the Lorain-Medina Rural Electric service area. This board reviews and approves applications for assistance, based on need and funds available. Political issues or campaigns are not eligible for grants from the People Fund, as well as requests for assistance with utility bills, rent/mortgage payments, etc.

Members of the People Fund board are appointed for three-year terms. Their terms coincide with the three-year terms of the cooperative's board of directors.

Nearly 85 percent of Lorain-Medina Rural Electric's eligible residential members are currently participating in the Operation RoundUp program. Opting in or out of the program at any time is simple and easy to do. Just contact the cooperative or enclose a note with your monthly electric bill.

Grant Applications

Applying for a grant is simple. Applications can be mailed or e-mailed upon request by calling the cooperative at 440-647-2133 or emailing us at

The People Fund board meets quarterly, in January, April, July and October. The deadline for the application is the last working day of each quarter (March, June, September and December). Individuals and organizational grants are limited to Lorain-Medina Rural Electric members/families or organizations that serve the Lorain-Medina Rural Electric service area. Lorain-Medina Rural Electric serves members in Lorain, Medina, Ashland, Huron and Wayne counties.

People Fund Board

District 1 - Ruggles Township in Ashland County; Clarksfield, New London and Wakeman townships in Huron County; and Brighton and Rochester townships and Rochester Village in Lorain County.
Laura Brady

District 2 - Florence Township in Erie County; Camden, Henrietta, New Russia and Pittsfield townships in Lorain County
Rachel Woodrum

District 3 - Carlisle, Columbia and Eaton townships in Lorain County
Patty Feakins

District 4 - Huntington, Penfield and Wellington townships in Lorain County
Tom Seman

District 5 - LaGrange Township in Lorain County
Patricia Hamker

District 6 - Grafton Township in Lorain County; Litchfield, Liverpool and York townships in Medina County
Patrick Pesata

District 7 - Clear Creek, Jackson, Orange, Sullivan and Troy townships in Ashland County
Christina Jordan

District 8 - Homer and Spencer townships and Spencer Village in Medina County; Canaan and Congress townships in Wayne County
Tim White

District 9 - Chatham, Harrisville, Lafayette and Westfield townships in Medina County
Lonnie Montgomery

People Fund