Applications for the 2025 Touchstone Energy Adversity Scholarship are now available for download here.

Applications must be returned to the cooperative office by 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 7, 2025.

The Touchstone Energy Adversity Scholarship offers students who have committed themselves to the pursuance of a college education despite unique and substantial personal challenges outside of work or extracurricular commitments which may have befallen them the opportunity to earn a $1,000 scholarship. This special scholarship rewards students expressing the same values in their lives as the Touchstone Energy® brand:

  • Accountability - the candidate demonstrates a high level of maturity through accountability for their actions.
  • Integrity - the candidate expresses the highest standards of character
  • Innovation - the candidate demonstrates innovation and determination in coping with their circumstances
  • Commitment to Community - the candidate has good citizenship traits and a record of contribution to their local community.  

To qualify, applicants must be graduating seniors with a grade point average of 2.75 or above who reside in homes served by LMRE and should include the completed form, a copy of the applicant’s high school transcripts, and two letters of recommendation.

To learn more about the scholarship, call LMRE at 440.647.2133 or email us at

  1. Applicants must be the child or legal ward of a LMRE’s permanent residential member receiving service for the duration of the previous academic year (August - June). Children/wards of electric distribution cooperative commercial members are not eligible unless they are also residential members of LMRE.
  2. Applicants must be graduating seniors who have all basic credits for college or proper vocational or technical school entrance. (A “proper vocational or technical school” is defined as a post-secondary institution where credits can be transferred to a state-accredited four-year college.)
  3. Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale, or an equivalent standing on a nontraditional scale. Winners, in order to receive an award, must be accepted and then enrolled in an accredited college or proper vocational/technical school of the student’s choice. Winners who are accepted and then enrolled in an accredited school of nursing, working toward a degree, are also eligible.
  4. A minimum of one Letter of Recommendation is required from independent sponsors (e.g., school representative, church or community leader, etc.) that explains how the applicant’s character, combined with their faced hardship, has played roles in enabling him/her to succeed. Character traits such as integrity, innovation and accountability should be mentioned. Specific examples of situations that show these character traits and other strong traits are encouraged. Consideration will be given to nominees who have overcome substantial personal or family hardships and have demonstrated achievement through personal initiative and good citizenship. If you cannot provide a letter from an outside sponsor, please provide your own letter explaining why.
  5. Members of the immediate families and persons residing in the households of trustees, managers, distribution cooperative employees and OEC or affiliated organizations (Buckeye Power, Inc., RESCO, etc.) employees are not eligible to participate in the competition.
  6. Applications must be submitted (typed or printed neatly to be accepted) on forms furnished by LMRE and submitted to LMRE.
  7. Application information must be confined to the official nomination form with no attachments other than grade transcripts, and one Letter of Recommendation, the guidelines for which are attached.
  8. Applicants who receive “full-ride” scholarships (i.e., scholarships that cover the cost of tuition, room, board and books) to the schools of their choice are not eligible for scholarships from OEC. Applicants who win an OEC scholarship and subsequently receive a full-ride scholarship following the OEC scholarship competition, must contact OEC immediately to forfeit this scholarship.
  9. All scholarships must be accepted in the first academic year after proof of enrollment is received by OEC. However, an extension of one year may be granted for just cause in the judgment of the president of OEC. In the event students are unable to fulfill their enrollment obligation under this program, the awards are forfeited.
  10. Finalists are not permitted to bring any outside materials to their interviews (e.g., electronic presentations, props, handouts, etc.).
  11. These rules (dated hereon) supersede all previous rules for this scholarship.
  12. All rules stated within this document conform to the policies and program guidelines as set forth by LMRE and Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, Inc.
  13. Previous years’ applications will not be accepted.

Please give these instructions to the writer of the Letter of Recommendation

The Touchstone Energy® Achievement Scholarship was created to reward those students who have committed themselves to the pursuance of a college education despite unique personal challenges which may have befallen them. Please use the following guidelines to help form your letter of

Please include your name, organization, position, address, and phone number at the top of the letter.


Explains how the applicant’s character has played roles in enabling him/her to succeed. Character traits such as integrity, innovation and accountability should be mentioned.


Outlines the nominee’s relevant life experiences and traits that clearly demonstrate determination in the face of adversity and/or commitment to community.

The Letter of Recommendation should clarify the special challenge(s) the student has dealt with and focus on the character traits that helped the student overcome the challenge(s). The suggested outline will answer the following points:

  • How does the writer of the Letter of Recommendation know the applicant?
  • What is/are the unique challenge(s) the applicant has had to struggle with as he/she pursued an education? Include detail of the circumstances or situation and the duration.
  • What control did the applicant have over the challenge(s)?
  • What steps has the applicant taken to deal with the challenge(s)?
  • What character traits did the applicant use to help him/her triumph over the challenge(s)?
  • What outstanding accomplishments has the applicant achieved in spite of the challenge(s)?
  • Other pertinent comments from the letter writer.
  • Overview: Why do you think the applicant should be awarded the scholarship?

Please return your completed letter to the student for attachment to the application form.
Limit letter to one page, please.
It is preferred that the letters be typewritten or computer printed.