SmartHub is Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative’s free online bill payment system that allows members to receive outage notifications and monitor energy usage. If you are new to paying your bill online, you will need to create a SmartHub account – it’s super easy, and if you run into any issues, our friendly staff will gladly assist you.
Our goal is to provide you with account access on demand for your mobile devices, tablets, and computers. Our software represents cutting-edge technology brought to you by your local electric co-op, created with our users in mind and with features to assist you in your busy life.
New subscribers to LMRE’s SmartHub e-bill and AutoPay features will receive a one-time $10 credit on their electric bill ($5 credit for e-bill and $5 credit for AutoPay).
Benefits of AutoPay: Say hello to always on time
With AutoPay, you’ll no longer have to worry about writing a check, paying for postage, or mailing out your payment. Plus, your payment is always on time.
Benefits of e-bill: When we save money, you save money
Enrolling in e-bill will help save LMRE money on postage and printing, which helps us pass savings on to you! Your bills and payment records are accessible on SmartHub – no more hard copies.
New to SmartHub? Here’s how to get started.
Need help? Contact us by email (lmre@fesco-oh.org), by phone (440-647-2133), or in person (M-F, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.).
Get answers to your most frequently asked questions about SmartHub:
The SmartHub payment system requires an email address for proper identification and processing. If you don’t have an e-mail address, consider choosing a free e-mail service.
SmartHub is supported by Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 9/Edge or higher, and Safari browsers. Having trouble accessing your SmartHub account? You may need to clean out your cookies.
Yes. The SmartHub website is a secure website.
No. The SmartHub service is free.
Log into SmartHub with your old address and click, “My Profile” tab at the top. Provide the necessary information to make your change.
From the SmartHub login page, click “Can’t access your account?” Enter your account number, name and e-mail address, and a temporary password will be sent to your e-mail address.
Lorain Medina Rural Electric Cooperative accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover credit and debit cards or electronic checks for SmartHub payments.
The SmartHub payment site is available 24 hours a day. You also may make multiple payments during the month on your account.
Yes. Unless you choose to enroll in Lorain Medina Rural Electric’s Paperless Billing program you will continue to receive a paper bill each month.
Most payments are posted within an hour of being paid. Occasionally, posting may be delayed due to maintenance, but all payments made during business hours will be posted by close of business, and all payments made after hours will be posted by close of business the following day.
Yes. Under the Billing and Payments tab, click on the “Auto Pay Accounts” link and then choose the “Sign up for Auto Pay” link for the account you would like to set up. Complete all of the required fields to enroll in recurring check or credit card draft.
No. You can still pay your bill through other available options. Payments may be brought to the office or mailed using the envelope included with your bill. You also can pay your bill by telephone with a Visa, MasterCard or Discover debit or credit card or electronic check at 1-866-999-8452.
No. The SmartHub payment site only allows one user ID and e-mail address per membership. You can set up additional email addresses or phone numbers that you would like to receive billing notifications on a specific account, just click on the “Notifications” tab and select “Manage Notifications.”
Yes. If the payment is received on or before 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Any payment made after this time may cause your service to be disconnected and your account to be charged applicable fees.
Once you register for SmartHub, you will receive an e-mail near the beginning of each month when your current bill is available to view and pay.
During business hours, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, contact any billing service representative at 440-647-2133.